View Full Version : disposable email

11-19-2011, 03:59 AM
Probably not the right place to post ,but i scaned most cats and i have a question. How do you come up with a disposable e-mail afress

11-19-2011, 04:05 AM
Probably not the right place to post ,but i scaned most cats and i have a question. How do you come up with a disposable e-mail afress
Not sure why u need one butt..
Create a hotmail e-mail address with a fictitious username/address/Zip/PC and password.. Use it for what u need and abandon it when u are done..

11-19-2011, 04:08 AM
Not sure why u need one butt..
Create a hotmail e-mail address with a fictitious username/address/Zip/PC and password.. Use it for what u need and abandon it when u are done..

Thanks Any, that's what I was going to say after I moved the thread here lol...

11-19-2011, 05:31 AM
There are tens of hundreds which offer a one time email, 24 hours, week, etc. Use your favorite search engine and look for "disposable emails services". Even better use them with a proxy, clone your MAC, and a open WiFi which will make it harder to trace but nothing is infallible!

11-19-2011, 02:26 PM
While I agree with polly's post above about disposable e-mail addies..
Just my preference but ,be careful what you download as you are installing an e-mail client on your computer(and who knows whatever that particular site attaches to that software)
A 'name brand' hotmail/netscape pride themselves on not installing malicious software..
some 'no-name brands' may not be as diligent in protecting there clients..
Good luck with whatever method you choose.

11-21-2011, 12:45 AM
(http://www.satfix.net/member.php?32-anyonomus)anyonomus (http://www.satfix.net/member.php?32-anyonomus) is correct that is why I have a download folder which everything gets scanned twice; once automatically on download and again before extracted it. But again, nothing is infallible.

I do like gmail as it connects with a secure connection whereas hotmail needs you click on secure mode and then it will not work with any emails that you use with Windows Connector software.