View Full Version : Nano premium EOL

08-07-2015, 02:16 AM
So I am reading now that 110 is going out and 119 soon to follow does anyone recommend a box that is as easy as the Nano premium? Its hard to teach an old dog new tricks.

08-07-2015, 08:27 PM
hd box
research and choose> learn everyday
read what others have or recommmend

08-07-2015, 09:47 PM
hd box
research and choose> learn everyday
read what others have or recommmend

Red, if I understand what you are saying, the Nano premium will be useless shortly, and we should be able to use a HD stb and still get all the same channels as we were getting? I'm just a little slow, so I appreciate your patience.

08-07-2015, 09:57 PM
Grizz... I agree that Nano premiums will be obsolete once the channels finish their migration to Mpeg4... but I would wait for things to stabilize before making another move tho... to be safer...

08-07-2015, 10:01 PM
Red, if I understand what you are saying, the Nano premium will be useless shortly, and we should be able to use a HD stb and still get all the same channels as we were getting? I'm just a little slow, so I appreciate your patience.

To clarify its the EOL for south. North has not planned any changes yet.

In theory an HD receiver will get all the channels back, but it is currently a waiting game as the P$ providers play catch-up with hardware and cache servers before the channels will begin to receive picture again. At this time all HD box's are able to update the transponder settings to get a signal back on all channels but picture remains dark until the providers do their thing.

After that there is still a whole separate issue called 'anyCast' which is rumored to be the end of iks for south altogether, so do some reading on that topic before you spend any money on new hardware. So far from what I know is that North is the only safe bet at this time. Lots of changes on the books for south leaving lots of questions with little answers.

Hope this clears it up a bit for you. :thumbsup:

08-07-2015, 10:13 PM
To clarify its the EOL for south. North has not planned any changes yet.

In theory an HD receiver will get all the channels back, but it is currently a waiting game as the P$ providers play catch-up with hardware and cache servers before the channels will begin to receive picture again. At this time all HD box's are able to update the transponder settings to get a signal back on all channels but picture remains dark until the providers do their thing.

After that there is still a whole separate issue called 'anyCast' which is rumored to be the end of iks for south altogether, so do some reading on that topic before you spend any money on new hardware. So far from what I know is that North is the only safe bet at this time. Lots of changes on the books for south leaving lots of questions with little answers.

Hope this clears it up a bit for you. :thumbsup:

Yes, that helps... Thanks. I do a lot of reading, but most of the stuff is way over my head. I am pointed at 110 & 119.... Which I suppose is South.... what sats are considered "north"?

08-07-2015, 10:22 PM
Yes, that helps... Thanks. I do a lot of reading, but most of the stuff is way over my head. I am pointed at 110 & 119.... Which I suppose is South.... what sats are considered "north"?

North is from Canada and the sats are 91w (Nimiq 6) & 82w (Nimiq 4) depends on your geographical location if you are in the footprint to get the signal from them.

08-07-2015, 10:44 PM
Grizz... I agree that Nano premiums will be obsolete once the channels finish their migration to Mpeg4... but I would wait for things to stabilize before making another move tho... to be safer...

So if I understand it correctly, the nano premium won't work much longer on south, but it should work on north? Appreciate both hutch and gash sharing their knowledge.

08-07-2015, 11:05 PM
So if I understand it correctly, the nano premium won't work much longer on south, but it should work on north? Appreciate both hutch and gash sharing their knowledge.

Correct. Right now there are still some channels on 110 available and most channels on 119 but they are all scheduled to make the change to mpeg4 which will leave the SD receivers in the dark on South sats.

08-07-2015, 11:23 PM
North is from Canada and the sats are 91w (Nimiq 6) & 82w (Nimiq 4) depends on your geographical location if you are in the footprint to get the signal from them.

Is there a place where I can determine if I am in the footprint of 91w & 82w?

08-07-2015, 11:27 PM
Is there a place where I can determine if I am in the footprint of 91w & 82w?

I would try these 2 sites, I am sure they will give you a good idea.

Good Luck! :thumbsup:


08-08-2015, 02:05 AM
Thanks Grizz and all that have replied. I've been too busy to come back to the forum to check on my post. Well, Grizz I'm glad I am not the only one trying to decide on what to do. The Nano premium has been a good box and very easy to program for me. I just don't want to buy a box later that I will throw my hands up especially since I just renewed for one year. I know that is the risk but its still money. When one is retired we don't just throw our money away

08-09-2015, 07:23 PM
Thanks Grizz and all that have replied. I've been too busy to come back to the forum to check on my post. Well, Grizz I'm glad I am not the only one trying to decide on what to do. The Nano premium has been a good box and very easy to program for me. I just don't want to buy a box later that I will throw my hands up especially since I just renewed for one year. I know that is the risk but its still money. When one is retired we don't just throw our money away

aa3815, I feel your pain! I would say that using north is an option I you want to continue using the Nanosat. I have a friend who just got a Jynxbox v12 and it came already loaded and ready to go... Super easy! Believe it was less than $80 and since it is HD, it should continue to work on south if the providers get things figured out, so that is another option. Good luck!

08-10-2015, 01:10 PM
@Grizz...the following are cut and paste of other post that I have gathered.
" Try General Receiver discussions. Loaded with plenty of info that'll help you.
Also, with HD being so popular and the small price difference for an sd vs hd box, why not get a hd fta box?
Needs to have HD MPEG4 demodulating Turbo8psk signals. Dreamlink and Jynxbox seem to be the most popular.
I would probably start considering IPTV. DN IKS is rumored to be on it's way out very shortly.
I hear great things about the MAG 250/254.
I haven't heard any rumors in regards to BEV, but it depends where you are and if you can get the BEV footprint.
i have iptv i got xmbc ,but theres no guide
Need 2nd dish to point to 129 or 61 and 91
need program channel master
I recommend you try channel 201 NOTAX which is on 110 and is open, to test your settings.
Thanks for the update.

12-20-2015, 12:38 PM
Does anyone have update? are Nanosat Premiums still working or not?

12-20-2015, 02:28 PM
Does anyone have update? are Nanosat Premiums still working or not?
I believe your question asking the same thing in the rumours section was answered. Please refrain from posting the same question in multiple threads. Posting your question once is sufficient. Someone will come along and answer it. You just need to be patient.
