View Full Version : XunityTalk Site Closed

Angel Eyes
04-20-2015, 12:24 AM
XunityTalk Site Closed - XBMC - KODI - News 4/19/2015Xunitytalk and Repo have closed due to aaastream ripping code


There’s a war going on, apparently AAA is not being nice

04-20-2015, 01:12 AM
Depends on who you believe. I kept aaastream and was able to kept it at ver. 1.94 and working.

crazy carl
05-29-2015, 12:12 PM
you got the repo for that still?

05-29-2015, 12:35 PM
you got the repo for that still?I think the issues have been resolved now. aaastream is above ver. 2.0 now and can be directly downloaded from there site. Just use the install from zip file method on downloaded file.