View Full Version : A time consuming setup ..but well worth it
02-13-2010, 09:39 PM
Here are some pics of my latest setup with ....39" Ariza dish sg2100 motor , emp 22khz switch, Qph-301, Cnx nano2, ( collecting dust NF hd and Vs 9000 Viewsat) . For the most part I had spent 6 hours setting up my 6 by 6 post and making 1000% sure it was plumb . from there monting the foot , the mast and double and triple checking plumb on mast after the mast was secured with throat lock .. I evan went as far as to use the blue loctite to ensure , the bolts wernt moving...Than it was time to find true south and home sattelite.. I wanted to use 79w and try to peak its signal to max , and than once i had that locked in , all the others in the Arc fell into place ..
lots of tweaking was needed .I am glad i did this before the snow came . But since than I have had no issues of movement , evan during a wind storm of 100km winds , it survived .I found the sg2100 is the best motor to use , but its the only one i tried .. Everyone said at shops in town that going motorized was a wste of time .. heck no I love it .. just have to be patient when switching birds though especially if going from 82 to 129 .. its about 25 seconds .. I could Type some more but I want to keep things simple .
02-13-2010, 09:43 PM
Nice pics drvn guy.
My big boys.
02-13-2010, 09:47 PM
Nice pics drvn guy.
My big boys.
Thanks .. I like the Bud you have .. Perhaps one day . There is so much C band stuff out there i just cant get from a 39" er
02-13-2010, 09:49 PM
Lots of c band, especially on the Atlantic side. Where are you located?
02-13-2010, 09:54 PM
Lots of c band, especially on the Atlantic side. Where are you located?
Southwestern ontario
02-13-2010, 09:57 PM
From your location, I would say 15w- Galaxy 15 at 133w.
02-18-2010, 04:24 AM
Nice setup thanks for the pictures
02-18-2010, 09:40 AM
Excellent work, photo's show the spirit of a true tester and supporter, good info for newbies................................
02-18-2010, 01:39 PM
I still wonder about sg2100 motor , emp 22khz switch, Qph-301
22-KHz which one C or L for " ON " and which one C or L " OFF " ?
my 31"x33", sg2100 motor , Chieta DiSEqC switch , Qph-301
C for port A and L for port B but weak signal around 70% S / 95% Q... I will decide to order new 22KHz switch
02-18-2010, 09:19 PM
Hi camicity
I was wondering what you where using the 22khz switch for? I have never set up a motor.
Maybe if you start a new post some one will answer
02-18-2010, 10:16 PM
I still wonder about sg2100 motor , emp 22khz switch, Qph-301
22-KHz which one C or L for " ON " and which one C or L " OFF " ?
my 31"x33", sg2100 motor , Chieta DiSEqC switch , Qph-301
C for port A and L for port B but weak signal around 70% S / 95% Q... I will decide to order new 22KHz switch
I ran the rg6 cable from C on lnb to the port 1 postion on the emp switch ..meaning 22khz OFF.. and for my linear birds i use the L and connect it to port 2 ..or output 2.wich ever you want to call it.I have not had any problems since setup day.
02-18-2010, 10:17 PM
Do believe CamCity has a circular and linear LNB. Wants to use a 22kHz switch instead of a Diseqc, no empty ports. Don't think it will matter which side, C or L the 22kHz is set on as long as it matches the settings on his reciever.
02-18-2010, 10:18 PM
Hi camicity
I was wondering what you where using the 22khz switch for? I have never set up a motor.
Maybe if you start a new post some one will answer
I have used both sw21 and 22khz switch .. I prefer the emp 22khz .
I have seen many users with bev get the sw21 working good but i think its just a matter of tone selection
02-18-2010, 10:49 PM
Do believe CamCity has a circular and linear LNB. Wants to use a 22kHz switch instead of a Diseqc, no empty ports. Don't think it will matter which side, C or L the 22kHz is set on as long as it matches the settings on his reciever.
So you use the 22khz switch to go between circular or linear? I have herd that ECODA brand switches are the only ones that will pass diseqc commands on to other switches.
02-18-2010, 11:06 PM
I've always used diseqc switches by chieta- haven't had an issue yet.
02-19-2010, 12:19 AM
good to know thanks.
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