View Full Version : testing Linkbox 8000 HD Plus (moved)
03-08-2013, 03:52 AM
is anyone here testing an linkbox 8000 HD plus with P$.
If so could you please let me know if it is working or not with bin 108 or 109.
I can not seem to get mine to work.
03-13-2013, 12:26 PM
The only bins I know are available are 437 and 439 for the Plus model.....and so far they are not working with PS...waiting to hear of a Skybox file will work with the Plus...
03-24-2013, 12:17 PM
Use SkyBox 109 file with the Plus version. It works! Well!
04-04-2013, 11:15 PM
Doesn't this receiver have a hidden menu for P$?
04-04-2013, 11:21 PM
Doesn't this receiver have a hidden menu for P$?
To get to hidden menu go to tools and input 8282 and you will see hidden menu visible message.Then on the right side of menu you will see the options for network server.
04-04-2013, 11:51 PM
You will want to load the 109 file then factory default. Set up and scan. To get to the hidden menu do not click on tools just scroll to where tools is highlighted. Then press 8282 on the controller, then it should show the hidden menu. After inputting the info make sure to hit the sat button=save server. Then it will ask you if you want to disconnect newcammd, select no then exit out. Then go back in and see if it saved. If it did, exit out of everything so you are on a channel. Hit the F1 button on the controller and you should see the server you input select it and hit ok. It will ask you if you want to connect. Select yes. Should be ok from there.
04-15-2013, 01:38 AM
And this file is ok for the plus model?
Use SkyBox 109 file with the Plus version. It works! Well!
04-15-2013, 02:05 AM
And this file is ok for the plus model?
Tested and working for linkbox8000hd plus
05-28-2013, 07:17 PM
You will want to load the 109 file then factory default. Set up and scan. To get to the hidden menu do not click on tools just scroll to where tools is highlighted. Then press 8282 on the controller, then it should show the hidden menu. After inputting the info make sure to hit the sat button=save server. Then it will ask you if you want to disconnect newcammd, select no then exit out. Then go back in and see if it saved. If it did, exit out of everything so you are on a channel. Hit the F1 button on the controller and you should see the server you input select it and hit ok. It will ask you if you want to connect. Select yes. Should be ok from there.
Is there a thread that has more about the info that you have to input for the network server?...just got a linkbox hd8000 plus and haven't got the hang of it yet...
05-29-2013, 12:34 PM
I converted my Linkbox 8000plus to an Ilink 9800 by loading the Ilink 9800 factory file then the latest ILink 9800 file (factory default after each). In my opinion this receiver works better as an ILink 9800.
05-29-2013, 02:03 PM
I converted my Linkbox 8000plus to an Ilink 9800 by loading the Ilink 9800 factory file then the latest ILink 9800 file (factory default after each). In my opinion this receiver works better as an ILink 9800.Dose it switch servers automaticall with the conversion? That is my main gripe with the Linkbox.
05-29-2013, 02:10 PM
Dose it switch servers automaticall with the conversion? That is my main gripe with the Linkbox.
Sorry I can't answer your question. I loaned the receiver to a friend.
06-15-2013, 02:55 PM
Is the box's SID working for the northern providers?
06-15-2013, 06:47 PM
The answer is NO
and you get the same B.S. for the north no lock on the 82 either imho it is the same coders coding both boxes and if i am right they wont fix squat on this issue as they have never been able to get north correctly working
06-17-2013, 09:40 AM
People do not buy this box it is a joke just another money grabber mine has been used for two days then in closet for two months total waist of time and money again so take it from the people who have one don't bother it's a scam.
06-17-2013, 02:16 PM
People do not buy this box it is a joke just another money grabber mine has been used for two days then in closet for two months total waist of time and money again so take it from the people who have one don't bother it's a scam.
thank you seems like i have been the only screaming about this and to stop being taken on these money grabs people need to stop buying so either they just stop selling us trash or fix the farging things so that they work
06-26-2013, 01:06 AM
Exactly well put.
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