View Full Version : Nano Premium wont go to default settings

10-22-2012, 09:39 PM
I have been having freezing for the last 6 months off and on every few minutes even though my signal says 95% so tirolocop suggested I do a factory default and start over. My Nano Premium will not go back fully to default settings. I have done it 6 or 7 times and when I go to system info it says ;
SW : SKY01.12 (Jul 30) LDR 1.08
HW VER : 1.00
Nano Premium (2)

I may be having a blonde moment but it shouldn't save the current SKY file should it? :confused:

10-22-2012, 10:09 PM
I have been having freezing for the last 6 months off and on every few minutes even though my signal says 95% so tirolocop suggested I do a factory default and start over. My Nano Premium will not go back fully to default settings. I have done it 6 or 7 times and when I go to system info it says ;
SW : SKY01.12 (Jul 30) LDR 1.08
HW VER : 1.00
Nano Premium (2)

I may be having a blonde moment but it shouldn't save the current SKY file should it? :confused:
You are incorrect ,you need to load a factory via usb

10-22-2012, 10:12 PM
A factory default from utility in the main menu saves most everything except Channels, Sats, Control panel settings & Time adjustments, so your network settings will also be saved as well as sky & NPP files. If you want to start from scratch then do as Torpainter suggests. just make sure you have copied down all your info before you erase it. BTW those are the correct settings for the Nano Premium however the Nano Premium SE uses different files.

10-22-2012, 10:28 PM
BTW those are the correct settings for the Nano Premium however the Nano Premium SE uses different files.

this is the premium section ;)

10-22-2012, 10:32 PM
Thank You Gentlemen, I have all the current files loaded, signal and quality are 95% but is still freezing just as much as before. I can watch about 3 or 4 minutes before it freezes, not sure what to do about it other than put up with it.
Thanks again

10-23-2012, 12:21 AM
Thank You Gentlemen, I have all the current files loaded, signal and quality are 95% but is still freezing just as much as before. I can watch about 3 or 4 minutes before it freezes, not sure what to do about it other than put up with it.
Thanks again
How are you connecting to internet? wired to router? wireless adapters? Are you using satellite internet? Your rec. could be sharing the same ip with something else connected on your network and that can cause the freezing.

10-23-2012, 03:03 AM
I have 14 meg cable service. Router is Linksys WRT54GL. Nano Premium receiver is wired internet. When it freezes at night, no other computer or laptop is on and nothing else is using the internet. I tested the internet and it is working fine. speedtest.net/result/2259048589.png The strange thing is that if my wife watches Ch129 Bravo East it freezes every 3 to 5 minutes, and if we are watching a movie channel like 320 Showtime, it freezes way way less maybe once every 15 or 20 minutes if at all. Strange I know. I bought a new Samsung smart TV and was hoping to get an HD receiver but the way it freezes I don't dare.

10-23-2012, 03:23 AM
Have you done a network reboot? Shut down your rec.,router and modem. First start your modem and let it set then do the same with router then finally turn on your rec. from backswitch and see if you are still freezing.Another thing you can try is with a different lan cable as it might be bad.

10-24-2012, 12:20 AM
the nano premium seems to freeze less with only one ps. try that, or is it your ps thats not stable?

10-25-2012, 08:27 PM
Total network reboot made no difference. PS I assume is power supply? Anyways its just plugged into the wall, no powerbar or anything like that. Its got to be either the receiver or perhaps like gamer said a lan cable. I dunno, if it's the receiver than why would it freeze less on some channels and more on others? It was 100% perfect then bam 3 months ago the freezing started for no reason. Hadn't touched anything.....like I said weird.

10-25-2012, 10:03 PM
you might wanna try to start from scratch...do a factor default"if you can"then reload your files ..factory file first then your latest bin file see if that gets you going...I think I had that problem in the past..a while back..its worth a try,,got nothing to loose,,then recheck all your settings including your p/s settings..good luck..hope this gets you up and running

10-25-2012, 11:32 PM
Nothing will help right now, we are all down!

10-26-2012, 04:42 AM
Ya did all that twice, looking into the cables to my router and receiver.

10-26-2012, 04:53 AM
Nothing will help right now, we are all down!no everyone was not down