View Full Version : Dell XP Home Edition - System File Checker

07-01-2012, 08:54 AM
In attempting to run the System File Checker - sfc /scannow, I repeatedly get a message to retry. Then, the message indicates to install the CD. This is an old Dell with Windows XP, and needless to say, I do not have the CD for this old used computer. It is a Dell DE051 I purchased used. Is there a work around to get the sfc /scannow to run without installing the CD? ? ?


07-01-2012, 01:19 PM
the install is probably so corrupt you will have to wipe and start from scratch.

07-01-2012, 04:02 PM
That would be no problem! I do not have the CD! I do have a legitimate program. Wondering if any XP program would work? The Dell is unique.


07-01-2012, 04:49 PM
No...... Dell has a proprietary version of XP, you need the recovery disk for that computer, (due to the serial number for that version of windows) you might be able to go to Dell and see if you can download a copy, then burn to a CD or DVD.

Why do you need to run "System File Checker?

If you need to work on that PC, then go to the link below, download the program "Hiren's BootCD 15.1" burn it to a CD, boot the PC up from it, and use the tools provided on that CD to fix up the problems on the hard drive.


07-01-2012, 05:34 PM
That would be no problem! I do not have the CD! I do have a legitimate program. Wondering if any XP program would work? The Dell is unique.


Any version of XP will work, Dell's version is keyed to read the bios chip and verify its a Dell before you can install it as it self registers with no need to get on the internet, and will not install on a non-dell unit without modding a file. You then have to go to dells website and put your service tag number in for downloads and it will offer you the correct drivers for your machine.

07-04-2012, 01:53 AM
Certainly, your question deserves an answer! The only reason I could think of was that I thought it needed to run System File Checker realizing that it would not. Realizing that the support for XP was not going to be for much longer, I thought I should fix the System File Checker, and get the updates.


07-08-2012, 03:13 AM
Installed Windows XP Home Edition, and I am now unable to update to the Service Pack 3. I had a Service Pack 2, and installed it. Also, the Device Manager, indicates that the Hardware has a large yellow question mark in several of the entries, e.g., ethernet, media, etc.? Also, the CD I used was for a Gateway, and it obviously had IE 6? All assistance appreciated!

07-08-2012, 02:59 PM
Go to the Dell Website, punch in DE051 and download the Drivers for that specific PC.

07-08-2012, 06:13 PM
After installing the XP Home Edition, I have down loaded a Service Pack 3, and installed it. Then, down loaded Security Updates for hours. Now, the system file check still stops! And, after a few Retry, and Cancel prompts it will complete. I knew that I would have problems with the Service Pack 3. That is what is going to happen to have every one upgrade to the latest windows programs.

07-08-2012, 10:58 PM
What errors were you getting?

You are running this from an account with admin rights, correct?

07-09-2012, 11:31 PM
The errors required I hit retry. Then, after some time it would complete the system file check. Now, after reinstalling a XP Home Edition the System File Check still does not run. The Windows program seems to be better. Before it did not have a complete window at the top. And, it would flutter at the top. Now, it does'nt do that! So, I have improved it some by reinstalling the program. It has 80g hard drive, and a 2.40ghz CPU.

07-12-2012, 05:24 AM
I believe, since XP is still supported, that if you call/internet MS that you can get you problem resolved.

And as others have suggested, go to Dell website, enter your computer service tag ( and see what downloads are available to you). Need not be on same computer to download needed files.

08-04-2012, 05:32 PM
Finally! I fixed the sfc /scannow problem! It drove me nuts! I had to use the CD which was not the original CD, and go to the folder that contained the i386, and I copied it to the C: Hard drive. Then, I rebooted, and the system file check finished! :yeaah: ... Shift+R improves the quality of this image. Shift+A improves the quality of all images on this page.