View Full Version : Howard Stern talks about this week's Impact

01-07-2010, 05:46 PM
Howard Stern played a clip of the Hogan/Nash/Hall/X-Pac/Bischoff segment this am.

Now these are all casual fans who don't follow the business and they had no idea what Hogan and Hall were talking about, "doing the right thing for the business," etc.

This is what happens when the writers script stuff that is so "inside" or coded – they lose the 99 percent of the audience that doesn't understand the lingo, or has followed the convoluted storylines.

Plus, Stern pointed out that the content was completely scripted, noting that every line was enunciated and they were waiting for the crowd to pop after every sentence.

I know it's tough to write a promo where guys say they want to make easy money by working main events and holding back young talent.

But they didn't even try.

Stern lost interest and changed the subject in two minutes.

He came back to staffers explaining the NWO gimmick from WCW. One staffer did know the backstory of Waltman and Hall being fired "from every organization for being drunks." The other staffer talked about how Tara's tights got pulled down.

They talked about how Hogan is going to run the company differently, Robin interjected, "Who cares who runs the company?" Basically killing the premise of using feuding booking factions as a way to draw money.

"I can't imagine that Bubba is into this," Hogan said. "I mean, he must like getting the money for being a backstage announcer. But Bubba's a pretty smart guy. Bubba knows this is not real, right?"

Stern also kept talking about Hogan was out there "in his bathing suit," when Hulk was decked in the shirt and pants, etc.

Stern was making fun of "guys in thongs out there talking," and did a lot of "isn't this gay" talk. Then again, this is coming from a guy who spent 10 minutes talking about "Conveyer Belt of Love" as great TV.