View Full Version : Mega TVi SHD3000

  1. Mega tvi hd
  2. Mega TVI SHD3000
  3. MegaTVi 20140611_SU_SA_C4_1TUNER_2GB_TURBO File Discussion
  4. MegaTvi_20140624_SU_NA_C4_1TUNER_2GB_TURBO File Discussion
  5. Few Questions.....
  6. Is there a EPG for iptv?
  7. Mega TVi SHD3000 Wifi USB Dongle/USB Stick Compatible List Part 1
  8. Mega TVi SHD3000 Wifi USB Dongle/USB Stick Compatible List Part 2
  10. MegaTVI_20140709_SU_NA_C4_1TUNER_2GB_TURBO file discussion
  11. Pro's and con's of MEGA TVi SHD3000?
  12. No Signal--Mega TVI SHD3000
  13. Network iks settings
  14. wi-fi set up
  15. server connection problem
  16. MegaTVI_20140714_SU_NA_C4_1TUNER_2GB_TURBO file discussion
  17. Loading Channel list via Internet on Mega TVi
  18. Public Server?
  19. are you connected to internet via wi-fi
  20. Older channel list error
  21. recording on the megatvi
  22. Help..
  23. Mega TVI not scanning properly
  24. Just curious
  25. IPTV not working....
  26. Some questions about Mega TVi
  27. Slingbox Remote for Mega
  28. IPTV not connecting
  29. Factory file for mega tvi
  30. mega tvi shd3000
  31. Iptv Arabic channels
  32. couple ? for mega tvi users
  33. any ideas
  34. HD channels
  35. Server settings only partially shown & they won't save.
  36. Public Server
  37. Another Mega tvi question
  38. Mega tvi: What is the best switch setup for 5 Legacy dual lnb's 82/91 110/119 & 129.
  39. Many channels are 0 S&Q for 4 of 5 satellites.
  40. questions
  41. Is MEGA still alive?
  42. Mpeg 4
  43. mega tvi3000hd and dpp lnbs
  44. Audio Video out of sync
  45. android iptv box
  46. MegaTVi shd3000 Only Working 2 Minutes
  47. No S&Q on Megatv shd3000
  48. power suppy is dead on my mega tvi
  49. mega iptv
  50. How do you change date?
  51. Tuner for megatvi shd3000
  52. Iptv
  53. Signal Issue
  54. considering
  55. IPTV addition
  56. MegaTVi Only Working for 2-3 Minutes
  57. Wireless sticks not showing in Utilities
  58. channel list magatvi (Moved)
  59. mega tvi freezing (Moved)
  60. MAC address
  61. Mega SHD 3000 Master Password
  62. one will and one wont
  63. Mega TVi SHD3000
  64. 110 Not working
  65. Server Setup
  66. Food Ch 110
  67. using cell phone for connection
  68. Not Getting Signal Lock on TP12618 on 82W
  69. Reciever wont save Sub info
  70. Megatvi SHD3000 SID-less??
  71. Megatvi Shd3000 BEV 82 & 91 Channel List file
  72. Pic Freeze??
  73. Names of some channels not showing?
  74. 82 work around
  75. Slingbox code for mega tvi
  76. bin consensus for this box, north
  77. Tp changes for Mega Tvi SHD3000